
Kit Samara is an Australian Historical Harpist based in Freiburg, performing throughout Europe as a solo, chamber and orchestral musician specialising in Baroque triple and single action harp. She was chosen as an EEEmerging artist in 2018, and featured as a chamber and continuo artist in many festivals such as the Brighton Early Music Festival (UK), Festival van Vlaanderen Mechelen (Belgium), Barockfestival Sittard (the Netherlands), Vivat Curlandia Festival (Latvia), Grandezze e Meraviglie Festival Musicale (Italy), and the Fringe Festivals of MA Festival Brugge (Belgium) and the Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht (the Netherlands). While playing as the Australian Youth Orchestra's Principal Harpist, and as a fellow of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, her Honours degree culminated in studying Berio's infamous Sequenza II with its foremost interpreter, Alice Giles. Her passion for colour, gesture and bass lead her to arpa doppia, beginning with Andrew Lawrence King's St. Petersburg production of Landi's La Morte d'Orfeo and Monteverdi's L'Orfeo in Bauska Castle, Latvia. Her Masters degree at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag with Sarah Louise Ridy focused on timbral realisation at the arpa doppia.